
And now, for some good news!

If you're dealing with infertility, most of what you read and hear is probably very discouraging. I was shocked when I learned that having not conceived after trying for a year meant that we only had a 2% chance of conceiving per month. TWO PERCENT!? This 2% apparently accounts for those all too common (and really frankin annoying) stories("my friend Angie tried for years, and as soon as she adopted, she got pregnant!" "I know two women who just stopped trying and stopped thinking about it, and voila - pregnant!")

But today I read something that amazed me: in the United States, women in their 40s have more unplanned pregnancies than anyone other than teenagers! Not that I'm rejoicing in unplanned pregnancy - but I am pretty damn happy to read (for once) that lots and lots of women over 35 get pregnant - even (or especially, since the statistics no doubt reflect not using birth control) when they aren't trying.

So, for today, a statistic that should make us feel better about our fertility - finally!

- L.

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