
A Sticking Point

Giving yourself a shot doesn’t require any particular talents, but it is a bravery test. I passed last night – still can’t believe I was able to do it myself. But I guess there are a lot of things you become willing and able to do, against all odds, in order to have a baby.

Here’s what I’ve learned so far: like shopping at Wal-Mart, the key is to get in and get out. Don’t spend a lot of time looking at the needle, thinking about how you’re going to do it, deliberating over when and where to put it in, saying “Oh, I can’t believe I’m going to do this.” Just stick it in. The anticipation is much, much worse than the reality. I did have a bit of stinging last night and a tiny, itchy bump where the shot went in. But honestly (and I am a huge, huge wimp), that’s it. It’s not as bad as you think (and believe me, I thought it would be pretty bad).

It helps if your husband is with you, making you laugh by mocking the voiceover lady in the instructional video on the pharmacy’s website (“Make sure that the DOSE is lined up with the ARROW. Count to five…one. Two. Three. Four. Five.”).


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